Recommendations for restructuring the enterprise system and preparing a business plan for the merger of companies

Diagnostics of structure and interaction of electric transport companies of one of the regional centers. Development of a merger scheme for companies into a holding structure. Development of a business plan for the merger of companies.

Our steps

  • Diagnostics of structure and interrelation of electric transport companies of the city as well as legal and financial characteristics of their activity and existing investment plans for the development for companies and the city electric transport in general.
  • Identification of problem areas in the structure of interaction between companies and development of a  merger scheme of companies into a holding structure, taking into account the existing level of general economic relations of companies, as well as their legal forms and the attitude of owners to the process of electric transport reforming.
  • Preparation of a project business plan for the structure to be established, taking into account the possibility of attracting budget funds (form of interaction) for the development of electric transport infrastructure, and the social impact of the project on the urban infrastructure.


  • Providing a client with documentation reflecting the main issues and risks of the suggested project and possible consequences of its implementation as well as recommendations for eliminating such risks and optimizing the procedure of the company merger. 
  • Business-plan development and submission to the municipal authorities for review.  


Diagnostics of the existing system, analysis of proposed options for companies merger, development of merger scheme as well as diagnostics of the business-plan for establishing the single enterprise (taking into account the budget resources (form of interaction) for the electric transport infrastructure development).

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