
Consulting company MauerGroup provides quality business consulting and has the flawless reputation. Full financial analysis of the company activity: management and financial consulting, taxation optimization, investment and strategic consulting, Due Diligence, legal and project assistance, tax audit and consulting in Russia and whole Europe.

WSM (Walter Solbach Metallbau GmbH), Germany

Production of bike racks.

BauMonTek LLC, Russia

Trade. Sale of cable-support lines, high-voltage cable clamps.

Big Dutchman, LLC, Moscow

Development and creation of feeding and husbandry systems for contemporary pig and poultry breeding. Leader in the market of pig and poultry breeding equipment.

Dan-Pig LLC, Krasnodar

Consulting company with the 100 % Danish capital specializing on optimization of indicators of pig breeding manufactures, assistance and management of such projects worldwide.

Deutsche Werkst?tten RUS, Moscow

Design and furniture production.

Dominant Group of companies, Russia

Russian production and trade company. The group unites 17 food processing enterprises (state owned farms, collective farms, sugar plants, milk and meat processing manufactures).

Zelenyi Gorod CJSC, Russia

Development, the largest innovative city-building project in Russia.

ООО Kreisel RUS, LLC

Production. Subdivision of the company FIXIT Trockenm?rtel Holding AG/Germany – production of construction mixtures.

Kubankhlebproduct JCS, Krasnodar

Trade. Acquisition and sale of grains, flour, grits.

Krasnodarsky meat factory, JSC

Agriculture. The largest meat processing enterprise producing ecological meat products and owning the modern technological complex, performing all the processes starting with the butchering, sausage and delicatessen manufacture up to shipment of ready products for the order of specific consumer.

+7 (863) 263-10-56
+7 (863) 263-42-98
Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 176
+7 (495) 646-80-76
Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue Str. 96, 2nd entrance, 3rd floor, 330 office
+7 (812) 635-75-47
Saint-Petersburg, Roentgen str., 7, lit. A, room 1H, room 418
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