

Consulting company MauerGroup provides quality business consulting and has the flawless reputation. Full financial analysis of the company activity: management and financial consulting, taxation optimization, investment and strategic consulting, Due Diligence, legal and project assistance, tax audit and consulting in Russia and whole Europe.

Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company S.A., USA

Food industry. The world largest manufacturer of carbonated and non-carbonated drinks, juices, drinking water, sport and energy drinks. The company performs sale of drinks more than in 200 countries.

Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

LouisDreyfus Commodities Vostok LLC

One of the representatives of the agricultural market of Russia. The main spheres of company activities are agriculture, forestry, horticulture and grains.

Ball Packaging Europe Holding GmbH & Co. KG, Germany

Manufacturing of tin cans. The holding is a leader among suppliers of high quality packaging for drinks, food and household chemicals. Plants and factories are located in Germany, France, Great Britain, Poland, Serbia, Netherlands, USA, etc.

Containex Container-Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. Austria

Trade. Trading company belonging to the group of companies LKW Walter specializing in the containers trade.

Castorama, Kingfisher plc, UK

Trade. The leading Europe’s and the third in the world holding company – retailer of household goods, owns approx. 800 stores in nine countries in Europe and Asia.

Hoppe AG, Germany

Development, manufacture and market promotion of decorative and functional accessories for windows and doors.

International group of experts i c p group, Germany

International network of experts who act as consultants during the M&A process, allocation or withdrawal of investments; assist during the establishment of all types of business cooperation and help to join the associations; support the international transactions, conduct seminars for managers and administrators and provide consultations on issues of companies restructuring.

IKEA, Sweden

Production and trade company. One of the largest trading networks in the world for sale of furniture and household goods. Today the company owns more than 325 stores in 41 country.

IST Industrieofen + Stranggie? + Technik GmbH, Germany

Engineering bureau for design and manufacture of melting and casting equipment in aluminum industry and nonferrous metallurgy.

LLC "Аuchan", France

Trade. French corporation is present in many countries of the world. One of the largest world’s retail network operators. More than 3000 stores in Europe and Asia.

LLC "Centre "Оmega", Russia

Construction. One of the largest companies in the South of Russia engaged in building and successful exploitation of the Olympic objects.

MauerGroup New Stage of Development in Moscow
Audit and consulting group of companies MauerGroup and Human Stem Cells Institute (HSCI), diversified biotech holding company, will fulfill the potential of their capabilities by creating a new structure in Moscow at the end of March 2023 – HSCI Consulting LLC.

+7 (863) 263-10-56
Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 176
+7 (495) 646-80-76
Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue Str. 96, 2nd entrance, 3rd floor, 330 office
+7 (812) 635-75-47
Saint-Petersburg, Roentgen str., 7, lit. A, room 1H, room 418
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