Analysis of investment attractiveness of the real estate market of one of the Russian regional centers

Analysis of investment attractiveness of the real estate market of one of the largest Russian cities (residential, office, shopping and hotel areas).

Our steps

  • Data collecting for each of the market sectors (shopping, office, residential and hotel real estate) in following directions: analysis of competition, pricing, the most attractive areas, system of the land plots distribution, prime cost, terms of implementation and liquidity of objects under construction, role of the city administration and methods of industry regulation, city development program and architectural plan, perspectives of city development, etc.
  • Data collecting through interviews with the representatives of realtors, developers, builders, state organizations and heads of separate administration departments.
  • Drawing of the financial model on real estate objects.


  • Conclusions about the investment attractiveness of the market with identification of the most attractive segment, area.
  • Definition of possible profitability and terms of projects implementation, making of a list of potential partners and determination of interrelation with local authorities.
  • Strategy aimed at entering the development and real estate market was elaborated.


Analysis of investment attractiveness of the real estate market of one of the largest Russian cities (residential, office, shopping and hotel areas).

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