Setting the system of financial and economic planning and budgeting of the industrial enterprise

Setting the budgeting planning system of the industrial enterprise.

Our steps

  • Formation of the financial structure, elaboration of the structure model allowing to establish the responsibility for budget utilization and control of the income sources by determination of the financial responsibility centers.
  • Determination of the general system of formation of the enterprise free budget and creation of the budget structures.
  • Elaboration of the methods and practices of management accounting, formation of the accounting and financial policy.
  • Elaboration of the planning regulations determining the procedures of planning, monitoring and analysis of the reasons of budget non-performing, as well as the current budget corrections.
  • Implementing the budgeting system and conducting the scenario analysis.


Formation of the system of financial and economic planning and budgeting for the industrial enterprise.


Creation the budgeting system of the industrial enterprise allowing to elaborate the industrial and financial plans of the company for medium- and long-term perspective , conduct the plan-fact analysis, scenario analysis of the management solutions, analysis and grounding of the investment solutions.

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