Preparation of the full documents package for involvement of credit financing of Bank of Moscow JSC under the governmental guarantee

Elaboration of the financial model, business plan and stress-analysis of construction and following exploitation of a number of Olympic objects.

Our steps

  • Data collection for preparation of the necessary documents and calculations (from the client and the other sources).
  • Preparation of the brief financial and economic grounding of the sources and terms of credit repayment for the ministry of finance and ministry of the strategic development, investments and international activity of the Krasnodar Krai.
  • Elaboration of the business plan of the project for receiving the governmental Guarantee (in accordance with the law of Krasnodar Krai as of 13.03.2008 N 1411-KZ “On the order of providing the governmental Guarantees of Krasnodar Krai”).
  • Calculation of the detailed financial model and preparation of the business plan for the project for submission to the Credit organization with the purpose of taking the decision regarding the project financing by the Credit organization.
  • Preparation of the full package of documents necessary for submission to the Credit organization with the purpose of control of the activities of the Client and as well as the credit risks of the bank regarding the provided financing, including the financial model, stress-analysis of the activities of the Client and business plan of the project (with calculation of budget efficiency of the project).


Submission of the documents and receiving of the necessary financing to implement the project.


Preparation of the full documents package for involvement of credit financing of Bank of Moscow JSC under the governmental guarantee.

+7 (863) 263-10-56
+7 (863) 263-42-98
Rostov-on-Don, Bolshaya Sadovaya Str., 95
+7 (495) 646-80-76
Moscow, Vernadsky Avenue Str. 96, 2nd entrance, 3rd floor, 330 office
+7 (812) 635-75-47
Saint-Petersburg, Roentgen str., 7, lit. A, room 1H, room 418
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